To change the text on windows start button you have to download a special binary file editor
"Resource Hacker".
Go to this link & download resource hacker
Extract this zip file and open "reshack"
- go to file >then open explorer.exe which is situated in c:Windows
- Then navigate to "string table" then to "37"
- You can see a value 1033 click it
- Inthe right pane you can see "start" type within quotes
- You have to enter your text within these quotes eg:578, "Click Me"
- Then "compile script"
- Navigate to Save As option and Save it as "explorer1"(whithout quotes)
♥Here's the snap of resource hacker
Hey its not over
- Go to start>run>regedit
- Then navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
- In the rigt pane you can see a value named shell
- Double click on it and set the string as "explorer1.exe"(whithout quotes)
- Ok
- Exit registry editor and restart your pc to see the change